Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Compare and Contrast!


Mommy and Daddy went to the Temple of Fudz (Wally World) in the new Fudzmobile, the SS Tuna.
They bought some of our All Time Favorite Fudz, Fancy Feast Flaked Trout.

Since there are so many of us, they bought 48 cans...and you guessed it, we got a box!

 Johnson, aka Mister Smash, tried it out first.
He actually slept this way for some time.

 Kitties, this box holds 24 3-ounce cans!
Or one 320-ounce Cat.

Sweet Pea was next into the box.
 As you can see, she's a wee tad smaller!
By *almost* half.
A true LadyCat NEVER reveals her weight.

 But as you can see, her cute lil' booty fits beautifully in the box.

No spillover, except for her gorgeous plume.

Johhny, well, not so much.

Have a Sensational Saturday!

XX  Lounge Kats.


  1. It would be more polite if TWO boxes were brought home after hunting - one for those who spillover and one for those with less muscle. And we would like to know how long that hunting mission feedss you for? Not long we think so that must mean many boxes should appear. Which reminds me, we've not had a good box for a while.....
    Have a great Saturday.

  2. Aren't they so funny. I have the same problem if I put a large bowl anywhere too.

  3. Yes, what Punapippuri said! There should be boxes for everykitty!

  4. I disdain boxes. I do not wish to crawl inside anything that might not let me out again!

    And, oh!! My.Cod. The mail came, and do you know what? Well do you? There was a can of TROUT in the mail! Just for Me! I think that maybe your furry little tushies are sitting where MY can of trout once sat. ::sigh::

    You all ROCK, Katnip Lounge Kitties!

  5. Yeah I wish they had gotten more boxes... you don't want to run out!

  6. Your folks sure do know how to treat kitties well. Sheesh, there is only ONE of me, and they never spring for Fancy Feast. They are afraid if I once tasted it, I would never be willing to eat "normally priced" catfood again.

    You both look cute in the box.

  7. Awwww elegant and dignified Sweet Pea! You are such a proper lady kitty! Me and Charlie think you make an ordinary box look very stylish indeed. We are in AWE!!!!

    And sweet Johnson! You put the feast in fancy!

    Take care

  8. Aren't food boxes the best! Our mum gets whole trays of our wet food because there are only a couple of shops that sell it and they are out of the way (and she is lazy). It's like a Happy Meal! Food and a toy!

  9. Hello kitties, Archie here. I may need to come and live with you for a bit because it sounds like you get the food you like best, plus a good box, and I've got a problem at my home. This week my mum bought Tesco (supermarket own brand) food for me that I used to like when I was tiny. She told me it was on special offer. But I don't like it any more, because she bought me some posh Felix kitty food when that was on special offer before and it's posher and nicer and has more gravy and now I don't want the cheap stuff any more. I turn my little nose up and go out in the garden. Can I come and stay? xx

  10. Oh my Cod! That is SO funny! That's a LOT of spillover dude.

  11. We have to agree. That is just awful that the hunting committee only got one box and it hardly fits anyone. What is the deal. But that is great food so guess you better not complain. Those pictures by the way are hysterical. Mom fell off her chair laughing.

  12. Hee hee...I love how cats of any size try to squeeze into boxes of any size. It never fails to make me giggle. Love it!

  13. Oh yea, the box is the best bonus that comes with stinky goodness...enjoy y'all and have a great weekend!

  14. Sweet Pea...You look so pretty sitting in the new box ! HA HA HA Johnson...You sure have alot of handsome mancat hanging over that box ! The girls, Eva & Gracie, aren't big on canned food but Buddy ( who came to visit this summer & decided he liked it here & is staying ! ) loves loves loves it !!

    Eva & Gracie's Mom

  15. You all look very cute in that box, but seriously, can't your Mom and Dad find you some bigger boxes? They could be out on the catio with you.

  16. We love your box pictures - we like boxes too. Hannah has taken residence in a tissue box - she says the tissues are soft on her bottom!! Mum's saying bad words cos she had to go and open another box when she wanted to blow her nose!!

  17. They need to make Mancat sized Fancy Feast boxes!

  18. You know, it never occurred to our mom until just now - we're the only cats that have lived with her that don't really like boxes. And she gets them all of the time, because she's lazy and shops online. Sweet Pea, we both think you are probably the most beautiful girl in the world. Our mom would LOVE to pet your pretty furs!

  19. We mostly ignored the last Fancy Feast boxes our mom brought home. But we're quick to take over larger boxes!

    BTW, you get *trout* FF? That's not a flavour our mom has seen in any stores here!

  20. Any size box (or bag) that comes home always gets left out for us to inspect and explore and/or nap in. Isn't it great when the humans know we cats need to do this!!
    We like Trout flavor too! And Friskies Tuna & Egg! That is the stinkiest best!

  21. That's hilarious : ) Johnson and Sweet pea have to have a turn to the box.
    Sweet pea, that's the best stink, isn't it? I can see your little nose have a great sniff : )

  22. Sweet Pea and Johnson, you looks mahvaluss in your FF box! I have a flattened out lined and darkened with cat skin ,shallow box that I love beyond any other. I will ask Mommy to leave put the next FF box. Trout? I will have mommy look for it. Can I come visit some day? I would love to play on your cat-ways up so high that your mommy and daddy made for you.

  23. That's a riot! How could Johnny possibly be comfortable with the sides of the box digging into him like that? Maybe there was some residual "eau de trout" that made it all worthwhile.

    Sweet Pea is indeed adorable and fits quite nicely in the box, even if her tail does spill over.

  24. Our Bein bought a few cans of FF at a time an we liked it. So then he bought boxes and we decided we dint. We love ta drive him crazy like that... MOL!

    But we did have fun in the boxes...

  25. Such pretty cats. I love your blog and just found you through the Pet Blog Hop!

  26. Haha! Poor Johnson! You've got more than a bit hanging out there. Sweet Pea fits in it perfectly.

  27. You are all so beautiful. Purrs to you all.

  28. Man, that box sure is getting a workout!! Have fun, you guys!!

  29. Hilarious! Not all of us fit easily into a FF box.
    I like trout too!

  30. Boxes are great especially when they smell like kitty foods from the Fudz Temple

    bonkbonk Saturday

  31. Love that big kitty smile! And the floofy tail.

  32. We have to say that the Fancy Feast box and Sweet Pea look perfect together.

  33. I love the pics of the kitties smooshing themselves into the little box.


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!