Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, November 22, 2010

ManCat Monday, with Filthy Dirty Felix


Felix here.

I was napping in the Yellow room, when all of a sudden, I woke up.
Something wasn't right.

I had a fur out of place! 
But which fur was it?

Gotta wash. 
Moisten the left paw,

Wash my thumb toe,
and nibble my toenail.

Rub left eye to remove eye boogers. 
Rinse, Lather, and Repeat.

Cat Spit! 
The Universal Solvent!

Something STILL isn't right.  Rats. 
On to the right side.

Ohhh, yes...I think that's it... 
Ahhhh, getting everything in proper order...

I washed my ear inside out!

Whew, it popped back. 
There.  My furz are purrfectly purrfect.

Time to go back to sleep,
and dream about my Hissy Hottie, Annie.

Happy Monday!

XX  Felix


  1. That's a thorough ablution! You must be exhausted. How could any girlcat resist you ?

  2. Felix: You are SUCH a handsome and nicely groomed man cat! Glad your mom caught you giving yourself quite the coif--I like your bed too. Can I have one?


    Ps Thanks for all of you stoppin' by my blog!

  3. hey you did a great job. One can never be too well groomed or too handsome.


  4. We're so glad your furz are purrfect and you look very handsome now too!

  5. Hey, who's saying yoo is filthy Felix? Wif da bathing talent yoo haf yoo is prolly one of da cleaner mancats.

  6. Felix, for a minute when we saw that ear, we thought you were part Scottish Fold. MOL!

  7. Looks like you missed a spot on that left rear haunch, Felix! Better take another bath, MOL!

  8. Felix, MOL..for the Universal Solvent ! ...must be tasty : )

  9. marathon wash. Love the Universal Solvent idea too!

  10. It's important to keep your furs in pristine order.

  11. Dang Felix, you are an EXCELLENT washer...could you possilby come over to our place and give that dawg of ours a washing? He has black spots all over him and he doesn't even try to clean them off? What kind of cat is he? You are super clean..I admire you...I'll have to ask you for some tips on the ear says my ears get dirty and that I don't clean dare she insinuate that I am not a clean kitty. Hmpf!! Purrs, Lautrec

  12. It may take a lot of work but the results speak for themselves! Very handsome!!

  13. Whew, that's lucky you found the one fur that was messed up. You look very nice after your bath!

  14. Well yoo may have been "filthy derty Felix" before ~ but yoo're "clean machine Felix" now! MOL!

  15. Awww beautiful and wonderful Felix!!! Me and Charlie are mesmerised by your very thorough boudoir!! We are glad that your gorgeous ear popped back up!! We just know that your Hottie - the ever so regal and gorgeous Annie - will be most impressed by how well you use your kitty spit to get your orangj furrs to glow!!! Yay! Take care

  16. You did a great job, Felix. What a shiny mancat you are :)
    Happy happy belated Gotcha Day to Sweet Pea!!! We are sorry to have missed the pawty. Lishy sends extra special smooches to his sister from another mother.

  17. Pawsome wash up job. It can take a lot of effort to do this properly but we can see you are clearly up to it.

  18. You have cool freckles in your mouth. My Mommeh likes to sniff my fur after I groom because she says it smells sweet and kind of soapy!

  19. A nice bath and a snooze always makes for a perfect Monday! :)
    xo Catherine

  20. Morning Felix!!!!
    I hate it when I'm in REM sleep and all of a sudden one of my 10 billion hairs gets out of place!!!

    Mom great sequence of pictures!!!
    Hugs Madi

  21. Annie the Hissy Hottie was very excited by that post title, and by your thorough attention to hygiene, Felix. Furs make the kitty, after all.

    Feel free to teleport over and make your dreams reality. ;-)

  22. glad you were able to take care of the issue.

  23. ohhhhh no wonder you were washing so carefully! You have a girlfriend named Annie!!!!

    We want to see her!
    Cody and Caren

  24. Hissy Hottie....universal it!

  25. Hey Felix, you're clean for a boy cat. Simba only cleans himself about once or twice a week. I on the other hand clean myself about every five minutes. I'm very impressed with your techniques!

  26. Good job, Felix!!!!!!!!!! And we know your Annie will love how clean and in place every fur is.

    Love to all of you sweet friends.

  27. You must be tired out after all that washing. Enjoy your snooze.. HUgs GJ x

  28. Boy, Felix, you're shiny and soft! All ready to exchange greetings and hisses with Annie.

  29. We are very glad you weren't told to stop grooming yourself. Our Meowm just doesn't understand that when the need hits, you can't help have to groom. Even if it is the middle of the night and you are on the big bed and it wakes your Meowm up!

  30. he he - don't you just hate it when fur is out of place. You did a thorough job of taking a bath too. After all that hard work, you'd better take a nap.

  31. That bed is pretty fantastic. Sure glad you got all cleaned up. You look much better with all your furs in place. Take care.

  32. Kitties are never clean enough, are they?? I think you look quite dapper, fine sir. A dappy dandy!

  33. You is one clean kitty cat. My mummy still has to clean Simba's nose for him, but shhhhhhhhhhh don't let on I told hee he

  34. thanks for visiting, its one thing to sew and quite another to wash as brilliantly as Felix does... now we are talking skill! Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  35. wow felix,
    u look so much like dat kitten joba it skarez me!
    but YER hansum!
    luv--yer frend--jh

  36. You had a little bit of bed-head going on there for a while, Felix! :-) Nothing like being kitt-spit shine clean. Sweet, or should we say crabby? dreams!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

  37. Felix, you sparkle!!
    This is very good technique. I love cleaning too

  38. Felix, there's nothing worse that bed-head fur. We got a little worried about that inside-out ear. Whew!! Thank Cod it popped back! You're looking good now!

  39. That was a very thorough bath Felix. You are all spick and span now.

  40. We could see your orange furs getting brighter and brighter with each picture.

  41. Such wonderful washing, Felix. I love the inside out ear! Are you getting all cleaned up for Thanksgiving?

  42. Felix
    We thought you were getting ready for a date with Miss Annie.


  43. That's a thorough washing, Felix... now you're perfect again!

  44. We think ya got that one unrightfur licked in place in the 9th picture! But it is allus a good idea to work them all ta the END!

  45. I'm with you! I can't rest easy if I'm not all put together. Also cause mommy is terrible about whipping out the flashy box when I'm not prepared.
    I feel like I must be prepared...

  46. We're both very clean girls here, too. My mom especially loves how my fur smells. I guess orange is special!

    Your friend, Zoe

  47. our word verifty is "blogr", yes really!

  48. And yet again, I am reminded of why cats are not dogs!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!