Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Friday, May 4, 2012

Wherein Maui is Unimpressed


Maui here.
I'm a little perplexed.
Crazypants Daddy gave me something to play with--can you guess what it is?

It's an ice cube!
Just what am I supposed to do with it?

This thing is useless and boring.  

Maybe if I ignore it it'll go away.

Daddy, I scorn your cubes.

Happy Friday!

XX Maui  XX


  1. You need to train your Daddy better. Ice is fantastic to chase after when it's skidding across the floor. We get a good game of ice jockey going here in the catio sometimes. So if you could try tapping it outside of the box and off the girly pink blankie, we are sure it could create havoc on some nice shiny wooden flooring...... However sitting on the box and melting the feeble ice cube with scorn also strikes us as a very noble occupation!

  2. Aaaah, Sherpa whaps them across the floor and then chases them.

    Wait 'til you see Sherpa's new toy tomorrow. You will want one Maui!

  3. Banjo loves ice cubes! When they are pawed around the kitchen floor. ;)
    xo Catherine

  4. me likes it when Mommy puts ice in our water in the summer! me loves to fish the cubes out of the dish!

  5. What a dumb place to put an ice cube! It either goes on the kitchen floor or inside a bathtub - not on a piece of cloth! What is WRONG with your male human?

  6. I suppose if you wait long enough, it will. Audrey feels quite different about it. She says she would bat that thing from here to nowhere after she is done demolishing the grape that she found on the floor.

  7. hmmm...Maui, it would seem your Crazypants Dad is decidedly crazypants! we think you should leave that cube to er, go away, in some likely spot that will have your folks that puddle from the ice cube, or...?

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  8. You're dad needs some ice cube should be in a water dish, perferably one deep enough so it floats, so when a kitty (Saku) hits the water with his paw it splashes allll over the kitchen.
    That's fun!

    Leave sitting on a towel, not a chance.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)

  9. Ya gotta put it somewhere good like da floor, sink, or baftub. Some kitties like to play wif em in dar water bowls, too!

  10. They do slide so fast across a slick floor. Why, oh why, did crazypants Daddy put it on a cloth in front of your bed? We think demerits are in order and definitely the bum of disrespect.

  11. I am so glad it was an ice cube. I thought it would be a nasty bug and was afraid to find out!

  12. We are with you, Maui! Where do people find such useless stuff like that? We disdain to look at ice cubes.

  13. It's okay. Your Daddy is good for lots of things. Toys, not so much.

    Just lie down now and when you wake up from your nap it *will* be gone.

    I wonder if he steeped some Nip in boiling water, let it cool and then froze THAT water into ice there's a cube a kitty might have some use for.

  14. Maui, you crack me up! But really, the cube would be a lot of fun on the floor. Doesn't your daddy know that?

  15. Maui,
    Your Daddy needs retraining. purrr....meow!

  16. Hmmm. Ice cube, okay. Ice cube on a towel where all it does is sit there and make itself a wet mess? Maybe you could whap it onto the floor so it slides around?

  17. Awwwww, don't worry before you know it that cube will dissapear before your very eyes :)xx

  18. I agree with you dear Maui, for sure some toy with nip would be perfect, but "ice"????
    ♥ ♥ purrs

  19. Super Maui!! Your crazypants daddy must try harder! LOL!

    Take care

  20. My OOMANS pulled that on me once. he he - I totally ignored them and it!~!

  21. Well ignoring it is one way to deal with it - but you really would have had more fun if you sent it sailing across the catio floor.


  22. If it is still 90 there we think it will go away very soon. Ice cubes are best whapped around the floor.

  23. Kick that stupid toy to the curb, Maui!

  24. Ice
    is not nice
    it's gone in a trice!

  25. Pretty lame.
    You are right to give him the Look of Disdain.

  26. Scooter LOOOOVES ice cubes. Any time the freezer door opens up, he comes running for the kitchen and sits at my feet, waiting for me to toss one on the floor for him to chase. We don't wear socks a lot around here, because of the many puddles that accumulate on our floor. LOL

  27. An ice cube with out a Niptini? Silly fur sure!

  28. poor daddy.....

    that being said, mom has dropped one of those things before and we don't get it either. :)

  29. not only did your dad give you something useless, he can't even form a cube into a cube shape. geez.

  30. I don't get the cubes (well truthfully, they haven't actually been cube shaped for many, many moons) either. But the Ornj Mutants play 'hockey' with them on the kitchen floor. What utter goons!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  31. LOL, a classic cat rejection!

  32. Maui! Ice cubes can be fun! My Goro likes to lick it and Niko likes to play with it. I call it ice hockey. You can come over here to play ice hockey here!

  33. Mom thought I might like ice BIG fail. xox

  34. Maui, your face is priceless!!!!!! Love! MOL!

  35. Yep, it should have been on the floor! then you could have betted it around!

  36. MOL Maui...that is wrong on so many only woofies play with ice cubes...FYI Dad Maui is a royal Feline, and ice turns into water and Royal felines do not do water!!
    Hugs from your BFF

  37. Too bad it's not on the floor. If it was, you could give it a whap or two and send it under the Fridge!

  38. Dont worry, Maui, that ice will go away on its own!

  39. The ice cube obviously wasn't interested in a game:) don't worry, it is its loss.

  40. welll...I'd kind'a worry about daddy's choice in entertainment for ya...just sayin'...

  41. Maui
    We agree with you what the heck is an cube of ice for ?

  42. Maui, knock that cube on the floor! Then you'll have lots of fun with it!

  43. We thought ice cubes were something for dogs to eat but it sounds like other kitties whap them across the floor. Who woulda thunk it.

  44. We don't get ice cubes either. If mum drops them on the floor, we ignore them.

  45. Ha, that is exactly what Scarlett and Melly do! Once, I got Melly to bat at a cube, but when she touched it and realized it was cold, she gave me QUITE the look!

  46. I'm still smiling. The captions fit the photos perfectly. Maui's disdain is so obvious and funny. Don't you feel sorry for everybody that doesn't have a cat???

  47. If you had a dog, you could give it to him. Dogs are big dorks who like to crunch ice cubes! Your Mommy needs a dog for ice cube disposal.

  48. Maxwell: *earnest look* oh noes, they is great fun to bat around on a hard surface. Tell Crazypants Dad that soft towels are NOT hard surfaces! MOL!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!