Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Friends and Kitties!

Sheebie here.

First off, here is what my poor husband has to endure, day in and day out...pandering to cats.
Back to front:  Sylvester, Felix, and Grayce (flashing her pink starfish).  Oh yeah, and Scott's in there somewhere.  Hint:  he's the one without fur.

So, stuff is plodding along here...we were delayed on the drywall repair which was actually a good thing, seeing how busy our week was.  One less ball to juggle = good.  Scott's pain wasn't too severe (as long as he takes his painkillers--stupid lug--he tries to go without because he doesn't want to get hooked) and he did some great work tie dying rainbow patterns and took a lot of new photos for his Etsy store.  He bought an extra-large sized mannequin for larger shirts and it's official name is "The Big Dummy" which naturally cracks us up every time!
Small minds...

The last time I visited my folks my Evil Dad showed me how to play Sudoku on his iPad.  Yes, previously I had to waste time in more pedestrian ways, like reading magazines, or scooping cat boxes.  I downloaded a Sudoku app to my Kindle Fire and stayed up far too late (night after night after night) solving puzzles.  After realizing I could load the app onto my phone, I played even more, everywhere.  Then Amazon sent me 500 coins for free to spend in the app store and my free time took an even sharper dive, because--Cod help me--I downloaded Bejeweled 2.


I am hooked on that !!@#%!! game.  I play it obsessively.  Help!
Is there a Bejeweled Anonymous?
Because I do not want to attend.  Ever.

There's big stuff shakin' at work; the new computer program that runs the water system is starting it's roll out for testing, with some (surprising, to us Operators) success.  It'll take several months to get it all going, but finally I'll be able to work in the new control room out at the Lake plant!  I'm excited, the current room is a dank cave with skanky gross carpeting and poor ventilation; nothing at all like the Henderson facility which is a joy to work at.  Um, "joy" might be overstating it...after all, it is work.  The other newsworthy work item is that we are rebidding shifts--I'm third in seniority--and I am going to take an afternoon shift.   I'm sick and tired of getting up early.  Mom says that even as a tot I hated getting up early and I still do--I cuss the alarm clock out every morning.  Not a good way to start the day.  I used to work afternoons at my old job and I loved it, and I'm looking forward to doing it again, hopefully starting around November 1st.  I don't think it'll impact my (and the Kats) blogging any, although it'll remain to be seen how time for commenting works out.  Lately three days a week is the norm for leaving witticisms although I read 200+ posts daily.
Because there's Bejeweled to be played!

Happy Sunday--do something FUN this week!

XX  Sheebie  XX


  1. You play bejeweled, but all your cats are de-jeweled - is this not unfair ?

  2. Scott REALLY looks like he's suffering. Uh-huh.

  3. Isn't sodoku a math thing? I confess I was a candy crush addict. Glad that's over. You will be fine when you get tired of it. Xo

  4. I used to play bejeweled once in a while, but lost the link or something - now I do the puzzles on Lumosity - some are fun, some just don't make any sense to me and make my Brain Power score go down - ha ha. Have a great weekend! T.

    I hate to get up early too, but there are no shifts where I work - the best I can do is slink in at about 8:45 and leave at 5:45 - (supposed to be there at 8:30)

  5. @Punapippuri hahahaha too funny

    I do not play games. Too much garden stuff and reading to get done. I fear if I started I would not stop

  6. My human is not allowed to have Bejewled or any other games except Solitare and the Fit Brains games because she wastes enough time on those and I have work for her to do.

    One of the reasons why being a rock journalist was such a good fit for my human is because she is also not a morning person. As a teen, her average waking time during summer vacation was 3 PM. I think she still longs for those days.

  7. Ahhh so you kitties are keeping dad fit by making him attend to as many of you as possible! We do it to our human too. Purrs!

  8. Mommy is snorting and laffing at King Punapippuri's comment! HaHaHaMeow >>snort<<

  9. At one point, I was a mad *farmer*. After months of farming, I finally decided I had to get my life back and deleted the apps. Those games are additive!
    I'll stick with scooping litter boxes. :p

  10. I think it's a good thing I don't have a smart phone to play any of these games. :-)

    I don't know how you manage 200 posts every day, even reading them. I have trouble just skimming the 70 - 90 or so that come into my Feedly daily, and I've long given up commenting on them all the time.

    Good luck to Scott--fingers and paws are crossed here for his upcoming appt.

  11. My dad is the sudoku maniac here. Mum plays Spider Solitaire and it gets her mad because she can't get above 47% win rate. Maybe she should stick to the easy setting.
    Scott doesn't look too upset doing his pandering (from what can be seen of him)

  12. We think Scott is enjoying all that attention and besides, it is a good excuse for not working.
    So Bejeweled is your new love. We do not allow our Person to play that. She would never look at us.
    Have a great day.

  13. 200? OMG! I can't imagine. At my blogging height I read 60-70.

    Barb Factoid: I have not owned an alarm clock in moe than 30 years. srsly. And I never oversleep. Of course, I go to be earlier than anyone I know and usually average 8 to 8-1/2 hours a night. Otherwise, I am a *itch. SRSLY. =)

  14. I sure am glad my Dad never plays any games on the techy toys!

  15. There is always some addictive game or another, Mine is Risk and soon to be Civilization 2 again if I can get the old PC cleaned and working on Windows 98... ~ The Big Thing

  16. You've discovered the Bejeweled Vortex! It's fun because it looks so simple, and it's so easy to say "just one more game!"

  17. "De-jeweled" Hilarious!

    I don't even look at any of those games. I can't get anything done now!

  18. Are the kitties going to permit the schedule change?

  19. Oooooh, Bejeweled, yes the mom used to love playing that!
    We are glad that Scott has good pain meds and we sure hope he uses them when he needs them!

    Our mom is so sooooooo not a morning person and is right there with you on the whole not getting to work early thing!

  20. Who said men can't multitask?

    What IS morning? Curious to know?

    Bejeweled? ::reaches for iphone::

  21. Sudoku takes way too much thinking!

  22. all that help - makes you wonder how Scott gets anything done. :)

  23. Scott doesn't look too upset with all the attention. :)

    My addition is Pogo lately Poppit. Thankfully my phone doesn't allow for games...I'm great at wasting time without it.

  24. Love that pic of Scott! LOL! Glad his pain is fairly manageable. I understand not wanting to take the medication. Good for him on his store.

    At least Sukoku is good for the brain.

    Congrats on the afternoon shift. It will be interesting to hear what that's like.

  25. YAY for no getting up before the chickens and before the cats!!
    Now you have civil hours.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  26. Somehow, I get the feeling that the gentleman is enjoying the kitties!
    (My Dad likes me, too.)

  27. if you have an afternoon shift, that will definitely leave you more late night time for game playing. Our mom was hooked on Sudoku for a couple of years, but once she moved to black-belt-level, she said it was too hard and gave it up. Then the blog came along, and the best she can manage is the Sunday crossword. Scott is a saint. You kitties are so lucky to have him as your Dad. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  28. I have personall'z brought youz my Cherry Mawhhawahhhwaa ..I wizh I had a Dad like your Dad :) xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

  29. I am ancient and never except words with friends ever play computer games. Oh wait, there's Fruit Ninja and oops, perhaps Angry Birds. xxoo I like seeing pink starfish. I get one in my facial vicinity 100 times a day.

  30. We think Scott and the kitties work well together ;) heehee
    Our Mom likes to waste time on games and books too! That is time she should be adoring us !
    We purr you get the shift you want :)

    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  31. Um, the Furrari's back today. Come see ;-)

  32. The mom plays a few games on her ipad...but not Bejeweled. Now she's off to see what all the excitement is about. Does this mean we're gonna see less of her now??

  33. OMC you read 200 blogs a day! Just favorited Scott's ETSY shop.

  34. Psst, TW here. Don't even THINK about downloading Candy Crush Saga. I'm up to all hours doing that in between Bejeweled Blitz and Soduku in the newspaper. Heh heh. I don't spend nearly enough time with CK anymore. Cool you got a later shift. And—OW, CK call your teeth off!!

    CK back. Clean those kitty boxes! Now!

  35. Oh, No! There's a Bejeweled 2! My new phone is the best and worst thing I've ever bought. Currently addicted to a word jumble game when I'm not Bejeweling. Good luck on the job change. My mornings start at 10am.

  36. You made us MOL about the Sudoku and Bejeweled 2. But only because we can ... sadly .. relate. Yikes! How can you read 200 posts a day?

  37. I play so many games, don't need to add yet another to my loooong list!

  38. You do great by reading over 200 posts!! I have my favorites and try to get to them a few times a week, nothing like 200!
    Oh dear, Bejeweled... I played that a few years ago and computer gave up. Didn't start again, but a few weeks ago, found *sigh* Candy Crush... Oh Dear..

  39. haha!!! Keep Glogirly away from Bejeweled! That could be VERY hazardous to the health of our blog!

    ; ) Katie

  40. LOL! Makes me smile and laugh!
    Yup, love Bejeweled.
    Have you played Cat Physics? Oh VERY addicting.
    xo Catherine

  41. I don´t think that Scott is doing to bad with all the cat´s around :)
    The only game my mom play´s on her phone is Ruzzle , she doesn´t dare to download anything else :)
    My mom-person isn´t a morning person either , she would LOVE to work nightshift but they are so hard to get :(

  42. Huh. Our mom got addicted to Swiped (there's something about the ching-a-ling jewel sounds she loves), and NOW she's addicted to Words With Friends (because she always was a crosswords puzzle addict). We have FORBIDDEN her to even peek at Bejeweled. COD! Humans are so silly with their devices.

  43. you are the epitome of paw bloggers visit and you read and you pawticipate...if only I could get Mom L to half as effective as you at the comment stuff...sigh


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!