Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Friday, November 22, 2013

Feasting Friday


Sylvester here.
Pay no attention to this Highly Unflattering photo.  
We all know the camera adds ten pounds.

Besides, I'm too busy eating teh meats right now to be bothered.
Yes, you heard that right:  TEH MEATS!

The peeps (well Mommy, anyway, and she's the one who counts) decided they weren't getting enough protein in their diets, and since Daddy stubbornly refuses to consume does not care to eat lots of "gassy vegetables" et cetera they dusted off the Weber grill and are grillinging MEATS once a week, with enough for leftovers!
Thank COD.

Mommy de-boned the chicken this morning and I was diligently on hand, inspecting, to make sure she did it correctly.

Oh, and in case you wondered, that is NOT a bag o'weed on the counter, over my shoulder.  It's a bag of home-made kale chips made from the kale in our garden.  Somebody plainly still loves her vegetables...

Anyway, the chicken was delicious and I ate almost one third of the plate--Mommy decided to be a Good Egg and let me go to town and eat as much as I liked.
heh, much for her chicken salad sandwich ideas...for some reason she objects to the flavor of cat spit and saved the rest of the chicken for ME (all right, us) tomorrow.  YUM.

Happy Friday!

XX  Sylvester, the Sated  XX


  1. M E A T S. We love the meats. And we don't mean your meaty rump Sylvester. Yummy. Now, we wonder if Äiti could be persuaded to do some grilling.
    She however is more interested in the kale chips. Stoopy humans.

  2. Speak for yourself, Punapippuri. *My* Human loves that meaty rump plenty.

    Meh, Human foods.

  3. Yum...chicken! What a treat that is! nice of you to spit all over it and call it "yours". ;)

  4. Mmmm, chick-hen. Now, were you saying something else? We didn't really pay any attention after seeing that pawsome platter of fowl!

  5. I'd say you were in the right place at the right time :)

  6. You are one lucky kitty Sylvester. I sometimes give the Farm cats some shrimp or scallops or salmon or seabass but NEVER chicken.

  7. Wow, all that chicken! I am envious, Sylvester! I usually only get a few tastes and then my human hogs the rest of it.

  8. grilled meats, you lucky cat!!!1

    emma and buster

  9. Wow, lucky you Sylvester! Did anyone else get any or were you the lucky kitty?

  10. Looks like you are one lucy kitty cat!

  11. Cat spit? Oh, no! I'm doomed!!!

    Nice blender eye candy!

  12. Fresh deboned chicken?M yc ats are jeal-ass!

    And the frost just killed my kale, waaaah. It hung on valiantly through the first few but has finally succumbed.

  13. You guys are totally lucky.
    Good job on training your people!

  14. Score, meat! Especially chicken!

  15. Score, meat! Especially chicken!

  16. The boyz are so jealous. And not about the kale chips.

  17. Oh you lucky kitty Sylvester! We do have meats here, mostly chicken and Mr Charlie waits patiently (I wish) for his share. Enjoy the protein goodness!

  18. Sylvester we kitties think chicken is the meat of the Gods and whoa that was a hunky plateful! YUMO!

  19. Yum! Nothing better that a little cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there!

  20. thumbs up for grilled chick-hen (if we had thumbs...which we don't....but you get the point)

  21. There are a dozen other cats in that house. How did you manage to eat chicken by yourself?

  22. Wow, that is a big plate of chick-hen! What a lucky kitty you are.

  23. Yummm, eating is good at your house. It sure beats my limited diet food.

  24. Oh man, Sylvester, you are one lucky kitty. The meats look so tasty.

  25. Grilled chick-hen, YUMMY! Sometimes when the Beans have been shopping late, they bring home KFC and share it with me.

  26. Chicken fave meat...It looks so tasty!!

  27. Wow Sylvester, weren't you a very lucky kitty to get all that chick-hen without having to share it with any other furries. Bet you are flaunting your chick-hen breath in front of the others. MOL. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  28. Woohoo! Teh Meats are teh BEST! We especially love that the Mom let you go to town on them, Sylvester!

  29. Whoa! Now if only I could get the peeps to save me a plate o' chicken. OK, TW hand feeds me chicken when they have it but that's only once a week or maybe twice and never does red meat touh their lips.

  30. Sylvester - you look handsome from every angle!

  31. oh, you have us all drooling, Sylvester! and the chick-hen looks delish too :) luckeh kittehs! know, our mom doesn't like kitty spit on her food either...what's up with that?

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

  32. Wow, Sylvester, did you ever SCORE. So much chicken that you couldn't even finish it! We are very envious.

  33. ooooh, that looks wunnerful. hope there is enuff room for me on that counter! i'll be right over. i'll bring teh butters.

  34. Looks jummy when other eat human food , but I don't tuch it never ever !

  35. OMC!!! Sylvester...I so wish I liked human foods...I just know I could get Dad to give me I AM his Princess

  36. ooooh, Real Dead BURD. We're soo envious!

  37. wow.. talk about being lucky.. you kitties are totally lucking out over there..

  38. Oh you kitties are so lucky getting such wonderful meals! My hubby and son don't even get fed that good as I hate cooking. LOL!
    xo Catherine


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!