Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, May 25, 2015

If the Shoe Fits...


Nekkid Johnson here.
Mommy wanted to get some pictures of me in all my nood glory, but every time I saw the camera I headed towards her so she couldn't get a good shot.  So, she took off her flip flops for bait.

It worked.
I simply adore shoes!
All was good...

...until everything went horribly wrong...

Daddy had a Bright Idea.

Flailing occurred.

As did some struggling by both parties.

Thank Cod Daddy had the attention span of a gnat; he gave up after a try or two.

Stupid shoes.
I fall for 'em every time...

Happy Monday!

XX  Tiny Nekkid Johnson  XX


  1. Johnny, you just made me glad my human doesn't wear flip flops!

  2. Poor Nekkid boy. I feel for you, I really do

  3. Silly dad MOL ! It looks like those shoes have an irresistible smell ! Purrs

  4. How dastardly, to tempt the nood kitteh with something so irresistible! There oughta be a law!

  5. My momma are very immature, she are still gigglin bout "nekkid Johnson." Sigh.

  6. Fergive us, but we hope ta never see flip-flops! They look REALY troublesome ta wear.

  7. Those humans are really stupid sometimes. Our Mom has sometimes "great" ideas for photo shoots too.

  8. What silly humans you have, making your wear flip flops. :) You look like a handsome lion with your new hair cut.

  9. Naked Tiny Johnson! Good heavens! Puss in Sandals!

  10. You should sue daddy for inappropriate use of flip flops! It could be a custodial sentence!! Your nekkidness is freaking me out slightly!! ;)

  11. Oh, the indignity of it! Nekkid *and* shod!

  12. What has your Mom done to you Tiny Johnson getting you to wear her flip flops and stealing all your lovely furs?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  13. Tiny, there would be much flailing here is flip flops were tried on Charlie! Good job and I do love your nekked shots!! Whoo hoo, esp the tail!

  14. I can honestly say you are the most handsome nekkid Johnson I've ever seen.

  15. you fall for it because it is worth it.. and we thank you :)

  16. A nood (tiny)Johnson is very handsome.

  17. You look good nekkid! Not every cat can pull it off.

  18. Seppo says you are not really nekkid. Mirsku says you are not really tiny. Sampo says hi.

  19. Yous looks .... um .... nekked!!!
    Wowwzers! And how they used the shoes for bait and them made yous wear them.....great ploy!!!
    PS Don't forgets to enter the Finish the Sentence Game!

  20. Looking good in the nood Johnson ;)
    Your Dad needs to make you a pair of flip flops 100 sizes smaller for you to wear ;) heeheehee
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  21. Why do you live with those people? Criminy.

  22. Johnny, we can't believe you had to endure that. Can't you just enjoy the shoes in peace?? We love your nekkedness, by the way.

  23. Haha, you really like the shoes, don't you? :-)
    I adore your lion tail. You are such a handsome nekkid boy!

  24. Tiny nekkid Johnson--our Mom just bought flip flops. We are now filled with dread.
    PS-we think your new 'do is mighty fine!

  25. OMC...your daddy is so hysterical! You look pretty cute Tiny Nekkid Johnson. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  26. Those darn shoes! But we enjoyed seeing your new "do", Johnny!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!