Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Post Colonoscopy Blues


Maui here.

**cue blues riff**

da DA da DA DUM...
da da
da da
da DA da DA DUM...

Oh my Daddy had a procedure...
Went up his bum with scope...

He's all OK and stuff
Came home and forced me to cope...

With this stupid score
in the form of a cap
had my name on it
I say it's pure crap

Oh I've got the blues...
the post colonoscopy blues!

Happy Thursday!

XX  Musical Maui  XX


  1. Oh we are laughing so loud at this. You are a true poet, Maui! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

    And be oh so grateful that the souvenir you got was something that was on Daddy's head, rather than elsewhere, hehehehehe.

  2. Good to hear that your Dad's poop chute is ok. Too bad bout the hat though...

  3. Maybe you might post the video for all to see? Well, maybe not! Blues indeed!

  4. MOL! I'm glad he checked out okay... can you believe my human's boyfriend had that procedure WITHOUT getting knocked out or any pain meds? He's crazy.

    1. me, too! I was astounded when my husband had his done and they knocked him out. I took it cold turkey!

  5. Well, Maui, at least you can pull off the hat. Not everyone can wear one you know! Next time make them cut slits for your ears though, MOL

  6. Glad your daddy is okay, even if it did mean you had to wear that hat!

  7. Hate to say....It looks so cute on you, Sweet Maui ;)

  8. Wow, Maui, my Daddy had his colonoscopy on the same day! And I didn't get a hat at all.

  9. while I do have some sympathy for you because you look silly, I have more sympathy for your dad. ouch.

  10. LOL! We think your dad got the worse deal. . .we'd take the cap instead of a colonoscopy!

  11. Thank codness it was Daddy who had the procedure and not you, Maui! It is not the most unpleasant thing, but you wouldn't want to do it very often :)

    Glenda in the haunted house with 8 cats who cope with ghosts (I guess I need to start a blog!)

  12. MOL ! But we're glad to hear that everything went well for your dad ! Purrs

  13. Glad the procedure went well for your dad. You look very cute in blue :-)

  14. Maui believe me you came out the better END (hahahaha) with the blue cap.

  15. a paws .... a paws....... a paws........♫♫♪♪♫♪♫♪♫ glad yur dad iz doin aye oh kay maui ~~ ♥♥♥

  16. Give your daddy lots of cuddles kitties, not fun going to the human vet.

    Emma and Buster

  17. Give your Daddy some snuggles. He must not feel too great after that. You in the hat are just adorable, though!

  18. Bwah!!! Had one about 6 yrs ago! Was supposed to have a follow-up last Dec but I BLEW it off!!!

  19. You look so cute ;) Dad must have still been loopy from being sedated. The actual procedure isn't bad- its prepping that stinks- literally.

  20. Pretty much the last thing we expected to read about in a cat blog, Maui. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  21. Be glad YOU didn't have to get the old "probe" up the backside.


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!