Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

As Ye Ask, so Shall Ye Receive...


Nekkid Johnny here.

Some* of you have been clamoring to see my shave'd hide, so Mommy made not one, not two, but THREE short movies of me!

Um.  Naturally there are other Kats in the feel free to enjoy them as well...and Mommy's screechy voice, too.


Happy Tuesday!

XX  John and Co. XX

*and you know who you are


  1. Yes!! Johnny is (now not so) secretly my favorite. I love the little poof of fur at the end of his tail. So adorable.

  2. Johnny, CC can't seem to get enough of you!

  3. EEEEEEE! Shaved Tiny Johnson! He's so cute! Especiallly with the Lion poof on the end of that tail! Goodness, he's not nearly as large as his fur makes him look!
    In the second video it looked like CC was pushing the camera pawparatzzi back away from his buddy!
    Isn't it just like you to end on the butt sniff? MOL!

  4. Yes indeed - talk about camera hogs. Does CC get paid to protect TJ ?! We are most impressed, but think that TJ is nowhere near as nekkid as our Seppo. Sorry! So, what about the other two ? Do we get to see them in the not so furry flesh...please......

  5. The Johnson really does look tiny now!

    Stay cool, nekkid kittehz!


  6. Ahhhhhhh, at long last: And THREE movies to boot. Not a moment too soon, either. We do think Johnny needs hs entourage/posse and protection. He is simply IRRESISTIBLE.
    It's a good thing The Human is hundreds of miles away...though truly, she could be there in half a day.....she'd even BUY A TICKET to get her grabby hands all over that handsome noodie boy!

  7. All I can think is the people you are going to have coming to your site now because you have links to "nekkid Johnny" on it.

  8. CCis crackin us up! Tail photo bomb with Ruprts snout up his wossname! MOL !

    Ms Stella always enjoys young noodie mancats!

  9. Oh! We averted our eyes ~ Ayla an Iza

    OK, I peeked ~ Iza

  10. Rupert seems to have brought up the rear... literally. bahahahaha!

  11. You're looking very dignified in your noodiness, Johnson!

  12. You look good nekkid Johnny. CC likes to get in on the act, but that was a good face in the butt from Rupert.

  13. Uh! You still got colors! Mumsy told us that when your furs are shaved off, you loose your colors too and are all pink! Dang it, Mumsy! We are gonna get her!
    Hugs to all you guys!

  14. That CC just has to get inbetween everyone and the camera! Just like Patty O'Malley here; so many photo bombs!

  15. Poor Nekkid Johnny doesn't get much time to show off his nekkid body. But Johnny you do look so terrific without all your long hairs. Cool Man.
    Your Mom sounds just like our Person. 'And what do you want'.Take care.

  16. Nekkid Johnny, everyone there seems to like your lion cut. We do too!

  17. Dude!! They stole your furs!!! How rude. ** bet the ladies love it though...

  18. Poor Nekkid Johnny! That's *giggle* too mean! How could *giggle-snort* your Mum do that to you?
    *giggle-snort-bwa ha ha!*

  19. Jenna thinks Johnny looks pawsome with his shaved fur and tail poof :) She's certain CC is trying to console him, though.

  20. Oh sweet kitties, you are all adorable. :)

  21. So very very cute. I love the hair cut

  22. dood...lookin good with a shave anda hairz oh all... when its 864 ther, ewe R gonna feel like its onlee 793 !!

    fan pleez.....~~~~~~

  23. is it wrong that I want to come vacation at your house?

  24. I think CC secretly wanted to have his video made!

  25. Johnny, you are still handsome nekkid! CC is a love muffin!

  26. Dood, you do nekkid WELL! That looks cooler for SURE.

  27. Dude,
    you are totally rocking that lion cut!
    With admiration,
    the kitty brats

  28. Well, finally. Rock on Noodie Johnson!

  29. Oh Nos! A couple weeks ago, they almost had to give Julie that cut! But she must have been in a good mood and let them comb her more than usual. TJ is looking much smaller! BTW, MMM says CC was telling you it was time for dinner.

  30. Gorgeous Johnny! We was laughing lots at CC's wanting to be part of the movies, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  31. Johnny, we're loving that tail of yours!

  32. Oh, Johnny we love your new cut...that tail is most handsome too. You look fantastic! Hugs and nose kisses

  33. We love how your mommy talks to you. She is so sweet, and we can tell how much she loves all of you. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  34. That CC is an out-of-control photo bomber! Johnny, you look so cute!

  35. Johnny you and the other three recipients...of the fur shaves are going to have a nice cool and comfortable summer. And you all look sleek and super soft too! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!