The worst has happened.
Mommy has put us all on a D-I-E-T!
She has some hi-falutin' idea that we should be able to clean our own nethers, at least most of the time. Because some of us *kof kof Salem May Ling Grayce kof kof* cannot properly play the cello anymore owing to fat round tummies! Of course this ultimately is Mommy's fault--she put out too much tasty kibble for us to nibble, which we did, all day long. In fact, the only reason we get kibble is because KonaKitty is our savior holds out for nothing else, practically. Otherwise it would be wet food for us all the time, as we are all slimmer, have less dandruff, and are perkier on a canned food diet.
So, we now get only canned food to eat, twice daily, with a paltry serving of kibble at bedtime to appease Miss Kona enough to allow Mommy to sleep. (She is an highly talented pesterer.) We are not too fond of change so Mommy has been on the receiving end of some serious Stink Eyes and Screams of Displeasure.
![]() |
Our Hero. |
Fortunately, we got a package in the mail from Mr. Chewy! It was a healthy treat for us to try, Nature's Variety Instinct Raw Boost Bites. In the Chicken flavor--we love us some chicken. Mommy couldn't deny us these treats, cos they are good for us, heh heh.
We ganged up on her for some.
They are pretty tasty!
Johnny loved 'em. He was done in about 3 seconds!
Sylvester was intrigued...but no go.
The Baby ate TWO entire pucks!
Grayce gave then two (theoretical) thumbs up.
Sweet Pea ate her serving on the Counter Perch Towel.
May Ling chowed down her serving and went off to barge in on the others'!
Maui was not about to share.
Neither was Salem.
Kitties, in all nine out of thirteen of us enjoyed the Boost Bites, which is pretty good, considering that we are cantankerous contrary Cats. Mr Chewy carries a venison variety, and also beef, which we are going to try next--Sylvester and Felix are beefeaters (not the kind guarding the Queen!) so Mommy thinks they will enjoy them more.
Thank you, Mr. Chewy, for asking us to review these delicious and nutritious treats!
Our dieting won't be quite as bad, knowing we'll have a yummy snack every afternoon.
Happy Monday!
XX The Lounge Kats XX
We are a test family for Mr. Chewy products--we received our product for free in exchange for our review. is your #1 source for Pet Food Online
Those look really really tasty!
ReplyDeleteYEA for Mr Chewy coming to the rescue!!
ReplyDelete(your good for you link doesn't go where it is supposed to)
We Beaglebratz (yepperz, we iz woofiez) r a test fumaly tue fur Mr. Chewy. Aren't they just furry much great? Our mom likez'em tue.
ReplyDeleteShiloh'n Shasta
Those look pretty good to us! We love Mr. Chewy!
ReplyDeleteHmmm. I disapprove on principle of the d-i-e-t deal. How is it that a lone Human can decide what YOU get for dinner?? I say: There are 13 of you! Stand up for yourselves!! Are you cats or are you MICE??? Surely sumkitty can learn how to use a can opener!
ReplyDeleteWe is going to has to whine at mommy to gets some of those! Wes is not on diets here, except for Mommy! She is getting pretty fluffy and could not play the cello if she wanted too!
Diet is a four letter word! ( We just went grain free.) We hopes nobody has any, ahem, intestinal distress from diet change. That would serve Mommy right! Tell the thumbed-one not to be so stingy with the foods or you're comin to OK-lee-homa!
ReplyDeleteThey look very tasty! I'm sure the Farm cats would be all over them
ReplyDeleteIt sure looked like you all enjoyed it! Bon Apettit!
ReplyDeleteI love those Boost Bites and do not get them often enough around here!
ReplyDeleteI don't see anything wrong with ordering some of the beefeaters that do guard the queen. I'm sure they posses everything anykitty may need in nutrition. And you get to keep the funny hats!
ReplyDeletelove and bandages
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
D*et is not a word we expect to read first thing in the morning. And so what if cello playing isn't quite as wide range as before - I thought your Mom loved the flannel job? But seriously, we know the problems as some of us like dried only and we get mainly wet. And some of us are a little more round than others. And I am far too thin but don't like food that much....... And the dry food has to be good for Stran's tummy so we are grain free as much as possible. Sigh. It is hard. But treats are important and they look good - we will have to see if they can be imported here!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a yummy treat. Meow-Me is going to have to go on a serious diet as well. She's as round as a beach ball! Well, maybe not quite that large, but still!
ReplyDeleteI think there is enough of you to gang up on mummy about this diet lark hee he :)xx
ReplyDeleteWe are so glad Mr. Chewy rescued you with afternoon treats. My goodness, you'd starve to death otherwise! What is your mommy thinking?
ReplyDeleteAny chance you can get to the dry food and put a hole in the sack?
We don't call it DIET. No, no, no. We call it Sensible Eating. That's our story and we're stickin' to it!
ReplyDeleteNine out of 13 theoretical thumbs up!! Not bad!! Yay! take care
Looks great! Mr Chewy certainly has some great items for cats!
ReplyDeleteWe have two rotund bodies in our mob. We say thay have 'happy fat' the vets grumble about charts and livers and hearts.
ReplyDeleteWhat do they know?!
Jane x
Nine out of 13--that's very good! Thanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteOMCs don't you just hate it when a few roly polys make life hard for all!! Good luck with the diet. I have my yearly well cat visit on could be that I'll be signing up for Weight Watchers too.
ReplyDeletehugs Madi
why are there 13 of you if you're all expected to clean your own nether regions?
ReplyDeleteDiet is a four letter word!
ReplyDeleteWe got to try these too! We'll be doing a review soon, but 2 out of 3 of us loved the chick-hen flavored raw boost bites !
ReplyDeleteI can hardly coral five cats at feeding time (see today's post) I have no idea how you do it with thirteen!!!!
ReplyDeleteOops, I meant corral not coral, ugh!
ReplyDeleteM's been trying to switch me to all wet food, but I keep telling her no - I want kibble. She has me on a diet too, but I'm not doing so well with it. We got to go over and check out Mr. Chewy.
ReplyDeleteShaggy is continuing to gain, and the d-i-e-t word is surfacing again. Mom is prolly going all wet like you are, with no available kibble. We like to eat kibble at night, and she puts it down so we won't bug her, same as you guys. We'll see how that goes.
ReplyDeleteThe treats look good....we like chicken over beef flavors.
I'm gonna have some ghost kitties here and pretend we are a large kitty family too. Maybe we'll get some fuds to try too. xox
ReplyDeleteOH. MY. BAST. DIET?? That's DIE wif a T
Good job! :)
ReplyDeleteSo let's see, you all have to go on a diet because your mommy is tired of cleaning nether regions? That just seems wrong! That's her job! Sheesh! Thanks to Mr. Chewy you still get goodies though! We've been wondering about those raw things. Isabella doesn't chew her food so mommy thinks she'll choak on it but it looks like it crumbles up. Maybe we'll finally get some.
ReplyDeleteOK Mr Chewy, when you coming to foreign parts???? Austin's getting middle age spread!!
ReplyDeleteHow can you not love something named "Mr. Chewy???!"
ReplyDeleteWe would probably have about the same percentage of positive thoughts about the treats. Glad some of you liked them.
ReplyDeleteOh you poor starving things! But it'll be worth it when you can cello again! MOL
ReplyDeleteAnd look, the diet comes with great new treats!
TWO entire pucks! I am green with envy! The most I ever get at once is 1/2 a puck. Rats!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't she know that d-i-e-t is just die with a silent t at the end!!??? Humans!
ReplyDeleteMeowm tries to kiss the spot on my toe, actually is is on 2 toes, but I don't let her very often. I am kinda particular about my toes.
We love Mr Chewy but Diet is a four letter word not found in our dictionary but health is more important.
ReplyDeleteGee whiz!!!!! Dang about the D-I-E-T !! Mom has been uttering that same word :/
ReplyDeleteYay for the treats!!!! We could totally enjoy those!! Food is food...right? heeheehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
So sorry you have to go on a diet! But if someone can't play cello properly, maybe it's a must....!!
ReplyDeleteThe snack from Mr. Chewy sounds yummy! I have to check it out!!
They look very tasty. We don't get crunchies any more, only sometimes as treats.
ReplyDeleteOMC you poor things! Your mommy has some good ideas but doing without the constant kibble is going to be painful. We suspect there may be nightly singing contests, right? To keep up your spirits during this lean time.
ReplyDeleteWe love Mr Chewy too and Dakota has had those treats, he loves them (the DOG ones lol)
ReplyDeletey0W! the dreaded D-word! we'll send you kitties some of our stinky goodness, you can hide it in one of the catio apartments :) The treats sure look nommy, right up our alley!
ReplyDeleteWe can't say for sure what bees we have because there are so many in California. Judging by one of the holes, plugged with leaves, we at least have some leaf cutter bees. We will definitely do some more research! we got our house at Gardener's Supply gardenersDOTcom). we're going to re do our weed, um, we mean wildflower patch and get another house for that area!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
That word should not be spoken so what if there is a little more fluff it just means more to love and hug. At lest Mr. Chewy came to the rescue with so yummy treats.
ReplyDeleteGlad you got some tasty treats.
ReplyDeleteWe's on kibble too, with wets at dinner time because Mom is too lazy to feed us twice a day! (hey!)
ReplyDeleteMom says the new kibble (no grain) must be helping cuz Sami can now get to those special places all on her own...Mom watched...ewww!!
But those treats looks yummy! Enjoy.
Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)
Your new fuds look tasty. Mom put me on a grain free diet, all dry fuds and I loves it.
Your new fuds look tasty. Mom put me on a grain free diet, all dry fuds and I loves it.
Oh man, dieting cats are the crankiest. Mine are off their diet this month since I'm traveling a bunch and can't monitor them closely enough, and they are beside themselves with glee. Unfortunately for them, the diet starts back up again soon!
ReplyDeletebeen there...done likey that treat or any other treat. I am just one weird cat! I am 5 years old and set in my ways I guess. And really, sorry guys, but I am on Mom's side about the food...and trust me...I am a total hard food'aholic!!! But, I get canned AM and PM and my treat is a meesely 1/4 cup of my prescription hard food, which I totally luvluvluv! And I still haven't lost more than a few ozs!!!