Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Friday, October 25, 2013

Formerly Feral Friday Finale--Down the Hatch


Maui here.
Yes, at last *I* have the lizard--and if there's one thing I remember from being a feral cat is you don't fiddle about (like Sweet Pea) with your prey, you kill it and get down to business right away... matter who's watching... gobble it up just as quickly as you can!  

Lizards are easy; they go down like spaghetti--the bones are so delicate it's merely a moment's work to crush the skull, eat the brains, and ZIP, the rest is gone!  Practically an amuse bouche.  To satisfy your curiosity, lizards taste just like delicious free-range chicken, with delicate herpetarian overtones. 

Now to nap, and digest.

Happy Friday!

XX  Maui  XX

pee ess:  it stayed down!


  1. Maui for the win.. Poor Sweet Pea.. maybe that will teach her not to play with her food..

  2. Our mom was totally grossed out but not us! Can you teleport some of those juicy lizards to us?

  3. good job Maui!!! (though mom admits to be a little grossed out)

  4. Aw could have least shared with Sweet Pea a little!

  5. Aw - bliss. You look so so happy as you digest this reptilian feast.

  6. Oh my, Maui! You look so happy after eating that big lizard!
    I'm not sure if I wanted to know that much detail about eating lizard, though.... :-)

  7. Great food review! We love your tutorial. Louie and Wilbur would LOVE to have a go at a lizard, but Mom hasn't found one for them.

  8. Our mommy's stomach is churning but our tummies are jealous! We don't have lizards here so we can only dream of what those brains were like!

  9. oh maui you are a gourmet. we're happy to see you finish the whole thing.

    happy weekend.

    emma and buster

  10. Odin is chanting we want Lizard! Maui can you send some?

  11. Maui you made mincemeat literally out of lizard meat! Good going!!! *slurp*

  12. Brains!? Gosh. You must be the smartest cat ever now!

  13. You made a valid point, sorry we scolded you yesterday about running off with her prize!
    We were positively drooling watching you munch that baby down.

  14. Thank Cod it stayed down - those things can't be pleasant coming back up. When my human was growing up, the family cats ALWAYS puked up their lizard lunches.

  15. We love that look on Scouty's face in that 2nd photo. He looks like he can't believe his eyes!

  16. This has been the most magnificent saga I've ever read! Thank you for the stunning photography and the breathtaking blow by blow commentary.

    I just feel bad for the ornj boys. They never even got a crack at the action...

  17. Way to go, Maui! We see lizards outside our windows but don't get to eat them, and we're drooling over here.

  18. Maui, You really made quick work of the lizard. We almost didn't keep our dinner down just reading about it. Is Sweet Pea mad at you? Do you care? Looks as if that was exhausting work planning your ambush and capture. Hope the nap was good. You are looking mighty cute in that photo. Have a great weekend, efurrybuddy.Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. Maybe that is why Quill enjoys chewing on cords - reminds him of tail?

    Love that look of satisfaction.

  20. Wow...we've never experienced any wild-game delicacies. Color us impressed.
    ; ) Katie

  21. Way to go, Maui! I was reading this to Pop and he actually got nauseous. MOL!

  22. We've never had leezard. And we think we're really missing out on a true delicacy.

  23. Good for you Maui. Oh how I wish we had lizards here!

  24. Yuck.

    When that sorta stuff happens at our house, somebody always yells "Don't kiss the cat on the lips...he ate something grosss!"

    Do they do that at your house too?

  25. Good job Maui. It's also gd that you made quick work if it. We feel a little sorry for Sweet pea though.

  26. Maui, I've never seen a smugger-lloking Lizard Swallower!

  27. Oh, sweet Maui...nothing but pure satisfaction showing on that sweet face of yours. You showed them all how it is done. Enjoy your nap after your nice lizard feast. You all have a fun and nice weekend. Hugs and nose kisses

  28. Poor Sweet Pea. Guess she will have to be faster with her catch next time ;) Eat first,savour later ;)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  29. Charlie has been following this series with Lizard Lust! Maui wins!!

  30. OMC, that went done quick Maui! Poor Sweet lizard for her.

    That was some hunting story!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  31. Oh, our hearts were with Sweet Pea. We hope she learned her lesson and gobbles the nest one down.


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!