Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fashion Fo Paw Friday


Salem here, with a sad tale of woe.

Mommy went to Sam's Club (where she got us a great box) and bought Daddy twenty new pairs of socks.  Daddy goes through a lot of socks; he wears 'em in the garage, down the driveway, and sometimes he even gardens in his socks!  Mommy uses a lot of bleach to get 'em clean, which speeds up the aging process...

But I digress.

The sock-packs came with a sticky band around them.  

And so my woe began.

Daddy (sing-song voice):  Salem!  How would you like to wear a little saddle?

Salem:  I think I would hate it.
What do you think of that saddle?

Aaaaaauuuuuggghhhh!  This THING has stolen my bones!!! 

Where are you going with that saddle on?

I'm getting away from YOU, you maniac.
You belong in a padded room.
In restraints.
Daddy & Mommy:  ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

oh cod oh cod oh's STICKING to my fur!  Must escape! 
Whereupon I leap'd through the flap and ripped the sticker off.
Later, when Mommy came out to throw it away she discovered that somecat had peed on it.  A fitting revenge on the sticker...

Daddy had better sleep with one eye open tonight.

Happy Friday!

XX  Salem  XX

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Palm Reading



We have something exciting to show you!
Well, truthfully, we could care less, but Mommy and Daddy are excited...

Do you see our canary palm?

It's doing something!

Daddy was taking yard photos and he noticed the palm tree closest to the driveway had lots and lots of bees going to it, so he investigated.  Daddy would make a good Cat, curiousity-wise.

The bees were investigating flower buds on the tree.  What makes this exciting is that this palm has never flowered before!  The other one has flowered and even made fruit for several years but this one was a no-go...

...and by the next day, all the flowers were open!

Mommy is hoping to get some dates, which totally confuses us because she's already got Daddy to hang out with.

Anyway, that's the big news around the Casa de Catio!

For more gardening posts, visit Jonsie and follow the links, and we sincerely hope Ginger is doo-dooing his best to fertilize the garden there.

Happy Thursday!

XX  The Lounge Kats  XX

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tiny Tuxalino Tuesday!


Salem here, partaking in some of the Fine Nip from our Nip Garden!

It's delicious.

It's Da Bomb.


Wooooweeeeee!  Head rush!

I'll drape myself over the ESS for a minute to recover.

Daddy, you grow some pretty potent plants...

...I can hardly hold my head up.

Maybe I ought to lie down.

Ah yes, that's MUCH better.

Nothing like the Flipper Position for a Nippy Nap, I always say.

Happy Tuesday!

XX  Salem, aka "Tiny Tuxalino"  XX

Monday, September 26, 2011

ManCat Monday Shoe-In!


Johnny here, hanging out with Daddy's Most Excellently Stylin' Shoes.
Plaid is a neutral, you know.

I love shoes.

Daddy, I'd like to put both feet in your shoes but they're too far apart.

That's better.

Before fully committing to the Two-Paw Try-On, I need to conduct a Smell Inspection.


Sweaty sole with a subtle hint of toe jam...delightful!

What's that?
Oh, OK--I'll put the other one on.

Are you happy now?

And here's the money shot!

Happy Monday!

XX  Johnny  XX

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Easy Sunday Sights


Mommy here...just LOOK at all these lazy bums relaxing felines.
Daddy wandered around and caught them all hard at work, sawing LOGS, that is...
Felix and May Ling Double-Deckering

CC & the Black Lump (Salem)

KonaKitty!  How she can breathe is beyond me.

Suspicious Scouty. (Infamous mat not pictured!)

The Baby.  No further words required.

Grayce, snoring away.

Rupert and his handsome mauve toes.

Sweet Pea in her favorite spot, by me on the sofa.

Sylvester is looking for trouble!

Maui, in a rare moment of repose.
The End!
(of Johnny, that is!)

Happy Sunday!

XX  Mommy Trish  XX

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Caturday with CC!


CC here.

The other evening I was heinously assaulted!
Here's what happened.
I was minding my own business, meandering around the living room, when I noticed that Daddy had parroted Johnny in the Fruits of Legendary Perfection box--again.

I went over to check on him. 
You never know, he could turn into a Monster or something in there!  Boxes and towels can be tricky sometimes.

Grayce was on site, monitoring the situation.
Hey John!  You under there?  Are you still a Cat??
Last time you checked you still were?

That's a relief.
Then, when I leaned in to give Johnny a sniff, IT happened!


Grayce WHAPPED me! 
She just about scared my fur pants off, I tell ya!

So I sat down and acted real cool... 
...and pretended like it never happened.

Grayce:  heh heh.  Come closer, my pretty...

Happy Caturday!


Friday, September 23, 2011

Flying Friends Friday


Lizard Season is drawing to a close.
Alas, poor Georgeic, I knew him well.
We had great sport with each and every lizard. 
He's under the chair...
Even though SOME parties were disinterested. 
I am not amused.
 However, Ceiling Cat never closes a door that he opens a window; the DAMSELFLIES have arrived!
They tease us endlessly...
I'm grinning at you Cats evilly.
 ...flitting from flower to flower...
la de da da daaaa...

...they are utterly captivating to watch!

Lantana is lovely!

And watch them we do.

Soon, Mr. Damselfly, soon.
And wait.

Happy Friday!

XX  The Kats  XX

Note from Mommy:  New Steve news HERE!